2016 Disney March Magic Grizzly Hall Players Shirt – Country Bear Jamboree Collector Show #044

The Grizzly Hall Players were bumped out of the Disney March Magic tournament pretty early this year, but at lease we got this awesome shirt out of it!  Our host ‘unboxes’ the shirt and then gives it a thorough review!  Tune in and see what ‘Paw Rating’ this brand new shirt gets! PRODUCT INFORMATION 2016…

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2016 Disney March Magic Tournament Grizzly Hall Players Logo Poster – Country Bear Jamboree Collector Show #040

The Disney March Magic Tournament is a yearly online fantasy tournament that imagines different Disney park attractions as sports teams and pits them against each other.  This year, the Country Bear Jamboree were represented by a team called the Grizzly Hall Players.  Two pieces of merchandise were released in support of this team and the…

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Vote for the Grizzly Hall Players in the 2016 Walt Disney World March Magic Tournament!

The Country Bears need your help!  Vote for their team, Grizzly Hall Players, in the 2016 March Magic Tournament.  Voting is happening right now at the Walt Disney World Facebook and Twitter pages!  You can vote in both locations and encourage your friends to do the same!  We need all the votes we can get!…

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